
Creative Monday’s & Throwback Thursdays Initiatives

Some artists create art for art’s sake. While others create so that people can witness their vision and see their story come to life. Whatever motivates an artist to pursue their work, we at QAIC understand the hard work and passion that they pour into their creations.

That’s why we at QAIC chose to dedicate space on social media to our Creative Mondays initiative. Each Monday, QAIC will highlight an up-and-coming artist making a significant impact in their field.

Yet, as the saying goes, “we stand on the shoulders of giants.” While we look toward the future of the arts within the Arab and Islamic worlds – we must also acknowledge the significant contributions of those who may no longer be with us but live on through their works.

QAIC’s digital space on Thursday will be dedicated to these giants who paved the way for the next generation. The “Throwback Thursdays” initiative will recognize how art luminaries broke barriers, told their stories, and shaped the modern world.


While we will do our best to recognize up-and-coming creatives and commemorate the lives of the greats who have passed, we understand that we may overlook some that are worthy of recognition.

If you have any suggestions for artists that you think we should highlight, please contact us here and tell us about them!