The Qatar America Institute for Culture offers numerous opportunities for students, post-graduates, and those passionate about the arts and cultural heritage to engage with the work of the Institute. Whether you are looking to conduct in-depth research projects, learn various professional skill sets, or simply wish to get involved with QAIC’s event programming, we want to hear from you!
QAIC’s Fellowship Program is a seasonal virtual and in-person fellowship opportunity for experienced creatives and scholars from the US, Qatar, and the Arab and Islamic worlds. Fellows will develop and author research and publications in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts and present their completed work at QAIC’s annual Impart Summit.
The QAIC Fellowship Program will begin in 2021. For more information about the Fellowship Program, please download the fellowship overview or contact us using the form below.
Who can apply?
Limited capacity and special conditions apply to in-person paid fellowships. Valid U.S. work authorization required.
QAIC is seeking candidates interested in a virtual and in-person internship experience that aligns with our mission and values alongside their educational goals. Interns are expected to compliment the day-to-day tasks across QAIC’s operations, communications, and programs teams. As an educational institution, QAIC’s internships provide significant training and beneficial learning opportunities to its interns. QAIC offers two tracks for internships: academic internship which is tied to the interns formal education and coursework, or volunteering internship which offers the knowledge and know-how of art & culture nonprofits.
The QAIC Internship Program will restart Spring 2021. For more information about the Internship Program, please download the internship overview or contact us using the form below.
Who can apply?
Limited capacity and special conditions apply to in-person paid internships.
Running art and cultural programming is no easy task, so it is with the help of dedicated volunteers that our events can be a success. Whether it’s staffing public festivals, assisting the setup of our exhibitions, or testing out future programming or products, there are plenty of opportunities for volunteers to get involved. In addition to getting hands-on experience and exposure, QAIC volunteers are also eligible for some exciting perks as a thanks for their service. For more information about QAIC’s volunteering opportunities or to sign up as a volunteer, contact us using the form below.