
QAI Expressions Series: Sandra Bell Wilkins

On September 18, the Qatar-America Institute hosted the former chair of the Fashion Design department of Virginia Commonwealth University – Qatar (VCU-Q), Sandra Bell Wilkins, for a discussion on the history of fashion in the Middle East and the intersection between the functionality of fashion and regional culture. Ms. Wilkins also commented on her personal experiences teaching in Qatar, highlighting the various changes that Qatari society has experienced during her 20 years teaching at Education City.

Sandra Wilkins also discussed the various impacts that the geographic environment has had on the design of clothing. Specifically, she highlighted the way clothing has been molded by both culture and environment in societies ranging from South Asia, Japan, Korea, China and the greater Middle East.

Lastly, she shared her personal philosophy on fashion and what she hopes her students will be able to accomplish with the skills they have acquired from the Fashion Design program at VCU-Q.