
Marchitecture 2020

Marchitecture is an annual month dedicated to Qatar’s architecture and Urban Design. Open to Culture Pass Members, the month-long tour, and series of workshops showcase Qatar’s beautiful buildings and cultural sites. Its mission is to highlight the importance and beauty of the country’s architectural history and future. The program gives members exclusive access to cultural experiences in a variety of locations.

Qatar has seen notable growth in its architectural landscape, with the juxtaposition of traditional and modern aesthetics. This year the tour focuses on the Modern Day Architecture of Qatar. The program, already underway, began with an in-depth overview of the Qatar Foundation building. The series will go on to review and inform the program participants of various other architectural attractions that Qatar has to offer from Msheireb Downtown to the Weill-Cornell Medicine Campus in Education City to the Qatar National Museum. The Culture Pass allows members unique insights on the unique path of modernity Qatar has utilized in its practice of design and construction of infrastructure.

Qatar Museums created the program as part of their cultural programs, which provides members with access to various tours, workshops, and talks tailored to their artistic interests. To become a member, visit the Qatar Museum’s website.

(Image Source: Qatar Museums Website Graphic)