
QAIC’s ‘Film Friday’ Celebrates Naeem Khan and Indira Gumarova

On September 16th, QAIC hosted Indira Gumarova and her organization Diplomacy and Fashion Project for a special viewing of her Emmy-winning documentary, “The Pins of Madeline Albright.” After the screening, Gumarova participated in a Q&A with the audience and discussed the first-ever Madeleine Award, its meaning, and this year’s recipient, the Honorable Madeleine Albright.

After Gumarova’s documentary, QAIC shifted its attention to the Arab Film House for a screening of the most recent Expressions Artist Talk with fashion designer Naeem Khan.

Thank you to all who came out, and please reserve your spot for the next Film Friday on, October 21st, for a screening of ‘Tales of Anatolia’ in partnership with The Turkey Coffee Lady Foundation.